Talent Acquisition and Development Manager

Stephanie Washington, MM/MPA


Stephanie Washington is a critical member who understands the “Hook Law way.”  As Talent Acquisition and Development Manager, Stephanie is responsible for employee success and engagement from the interview process before a candidate is hired through career development up the firm ranks.  From screening candidates for fit through the lens of the firm’s core values to actively supporting team members through their development, Stephanie is highly motivated and passionate about living the core values of Hook Law. With about a decade’s worth of experience as a case manager focused on practice areas that involve a great deal of client service support and precision, such as long-term care planning and special needs planning, Stephanie has a keen understanding of the nuance involved in balancing client counseling, quality product, and efficiency. In her role, Stephanie dedicates herself to leveraging her knowledge and insights of the legal industry to ensure the success of new and current employees are met with positive reinforcement, resources, and excitement.


  • Virginia Tech | B.S. Sociology, Minor Political Science
  • University of Phoenix | Master’s Degree, Management and Public Administration


  • Certified Medicaid Planner™